Image: Technology Blogs section
I am thinking to develop a site similar to popurls with Popular Indian Blogs from quite some time. After seeing Alltop i thought that type of site would be good. Let me tell you there is nothing great about these sites, but it is always fun to do something like this.
After a few hours of work i am almost done with the site and it is ready with few categories. I will launch the site in the next few days.
You may ask why this site now. why not?.
I am looking for some good indian blogs from all categories, if you want to include your blog you can send me an email. And finally thanks to all who have send blog suggestions via twitter.
Great idea! Definitely, I wish my blog to be added into the directroy. I will mail you with details. Let ur site rock!!!
Nice thought…Would appreciate if you can add mine too….Thanks
Great idea, I can see my blog in there. 🙂
Great idea buddy. Do add my blog too.
Great Initiative.
How about making a twitter bot that receives updates from blogs and tweets them?
That’d be great.
@Shankar Ganesh
Thats a good idea, but many of them are already sending updates via twitter
plz add it in ur blog roll
drop of water seeking liberty in the liberty of sea…
Please add my blog too !