Adobe released new beta versions of its popular software Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Soundbooth. Dreamweaver is the one of the best IDE available on the net for web development. Fireworks is a vector graphics tool for web designing. Soundbooth is an audio editor.
Today released beta are CS4 versions of the software and they will only be active for 2 days. If you want to use them beyond 48 hours you should already have Dreamweaver CS3, Fireworks CS3 versions, for soundbooth any of the creative suite CS3 license will work. You need to enter the CS3 product key to unlock the beta versions for extended time usage. This way you can use them until next version is released.
Download Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Soundbooth. Adobe press Release
CS4!? Already!? *dying…*
but only cs3 users can take part in cs4 beta