I never thought that it is possible to display our blog posts on major media sites like Reuters until i saw this post on QOT. IIt is possible to put your blog posts on big media sites with blog syndication service BlogBurst.
I registered at blogburst with my blog after reading QOT post, they sent me the confirmation after a week or so and it took few more days to activate my blog. After that i forgot about it because i never expected that it will happen. But today i saw my posts displaying in Reuters (Google lively post), Eweek (this post), and in some other places (this post), i am excited.
If you want to put your own blog posts on mainstream media sites join blogburst now. Blogburst puts blog posts on site like Reuters, USA Today, Garnett, eweek, FoxNews etc.
Although it feels great to see your blog posts on major news sites, don’t expect any traffic from them. The posts are displayed in full text and the clickthrough rates back to blog are very poor. But it is good to display your articles on sites like these for branding.
Wow! That’s amazing…. I am joining now…