I stumbled over a site today that contains 186 “for dummies e-books” as PDF and .chm files. It looks like some one deliberately did this with out creating a index file for the folder so the whole world can download it.
If you are wondering what are for dummies books, wikipedia says “For Dummies is a prolific series of instructional books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various topics covered. Despite the title, their publisher takes pains to emphasize that the books are not literally for dummies. The subtitle for every book is “A Reference for the Rest of Us!””
Dummies.com says “For Dummies books use a lighthearted approach, a down-to-earth style, and even cartoons and humorous icons to dispel fears and inspire confidence.”
For dummies books are great resource for the beginners as well as experienced, my favorite book is “Bioinformatics For Dummies”.
So back to the original archive, there are 186 e books and most of them are related to programming, so if you are a programmer or wanna be programmer you may want to check out the list. Some of the books are really useful, i don’t recommend you to download them, but if you download consider buying them later if it is useful to you. [Link]
This can’t be legal can it?…
@MB Web
No i don’t think so, that is why i said “i don’t recommend you to download them”.
Nice Link. Some may be useful for me.