Icons are an important part of any user interface, whether it is desktop or web icons are everywhere and they are essential for visually appealing designs. Icons look tiny art pieces but designing them is not as easy as they look, but thankfully there are lot of people who have released their icons with a free license, these will save designers time. But finding a good icons for your projects may be a tedious task, to simplify these task there are specialized search engines for icons. We will take a look at some of the icon search engines in this post.
Iconfinder.net: This is one of the best Icon search engines available on the net currently. Its Ajax navigation makes it a breeze to find new icons. Each icon in the search results carries its tags, download link and License information. No need to scroll through pages to get download the icon, hit the download icon and the icon will be downloaded. Most of the icons are pretty and can be used in modern or web 2.0 designs.
Iconlet.com: This is another search engine for icons, it also works well. Here you will get lot more icons to download but the results are not very well categoriesd, you will find unrelated icons grouped for certain keywords. the icons look old fashioned and not pretty. Lists the license information on a different page.
Iconlook.com: This is a new entrant in this space, lists many icons. Most of the icons are good can be used for modern web design. Icons search results show the icon size, but to get the license and download information you need to go to the icon page.
Searchicon.net: Searchicon has lot of inventory but again the search results contain unrelated items for certain keywords. It shows download, tags and license information but somehow these are not working.
icons-search.com: The search is a joke here, i searched for “link” icons here and it is showing me blinklist icons and some arrow icons.
What do you think? do you know any other search engine for icons.
Thanks for the info man, just yesterday I was hassled while searching for icons for my latest WordPress plugin. This should definitely be useful in future for me 🙂
Great post, very much useful for me. Stumbled.
Glad that it is usefil
Thanx for the stumble
There’s a new Icon Search engine. Best results and keyword selector which can be updated by the community to improve de search results.
I miss http://www.easyiconfinder.com !