I mentioned here last week that i am working on a popular blog aggregator, finally i finished adding a few categories and blogs to it. The site is now live at Indiblogr.com. Feel free to suggest some new blogs, categories or criticism anything you feel like.
What is this site about, think of it as a meta aggregator for blog content. The site is categorized in to various sections from Personal blogs to web 2.0 blogs, each section shows popular Indian blogs. At most 5 latest posts are displayed from each blog.
There are only a few blogs in some sections, if you know a good blog that is not listed at Indiblogr, you can suggest in the comments or contact me. Thanks to Gaurav for timely suggestions.
Hey I would really appreciate if I can be part of this…Thanks in advance
Hey, only top and popular blogs here. No chance to register our blog over there.
One more thing, a search box would do better on that site.
Anyway, you have done a nice job….
@Joel, Techpavan
You are already there
Hey thanks for adding my blog. This seems pretty good, but as techpavam said, search option could be a good option. Also , whats the procedure to get into featured section 👿
Nice idea behind this. Thanks for adding mine. Are the blogs added by only you or people can add their own?
People can’t add on their own, i have to add
Thanks for adding me there too. Do add my soccer blog there http://www.thesoccerpitch.com too.
Nice effort! Site loaded very slow, may be you can check on that.
Look is really clean and cool…….
I will add for sure
I will check it, thanx for the feedback. May be it is becoz of the fancy javascript slider.
Great start, just stumbled the site.
Why not add the already-filtered-and-picked blogs from http://www.labnol.org/india-blogs/indian-bloggers.html ? 🙂