If you work on the web or run an internet business, billing and invoicing your clients is certainly going to take a lot of your time. There are some invoicing solutions on the web, some of them are free and some are not.
Siwapp is one such billing solution which is both free and open source. It is an installable script which you can install on your own server and run it from there, just like you would install WordPress or any other PHP script. One of the most feature rich billing application, it’s easy to use as well.
Siwapp is built on Symfony, a web development environment and will need at least PHP 5.2 to run and Apache and MySql servers for the backend. Just like an Invoice application should run, you can easily create invoices and manage them with tags. You can also make an invoice series which will categorize invoices under different businesses you run.
Clients and items can be added with a click of a mouse and you can also cite discounts and taxes to apply. Notes, terms and conditions and legal remarks can be set for all invoices or customized manually. Recurring invoices can also be created. After you have finished making an invoice, you can either save it as a draft or send it to your client through email.
Users can download the invoice as a pdf file or put it to print. Printing is not fully supported though. Siwapp is currently in Alpha stage so expect some bugs and glitches. It focuses on billing only so don’t consider it to be a full fledged business application.
An API for the web application is also in the works which will let other business applications to interconnect with Siwapp.
Siwapp is free for download. Download it here [Installation Guide] Or check out the screenshots first.
I have worked on some of the applications and my latest work is http://www.invoicera.com. It is an online invoicing and billing application. Please check it out and any feedback will be appreciated
Hello nitish,
May i get in touch with you ?
We have launched self-hosted version of http://www.invoicedude.com. It is an online billing software. You can create unlimited invoices, send recurring invoices, accept payments by paypal and many more..