Early adopters and social media junkies use twitter for connecting with friends, peers and others, what if the profile page of twitter can be customized to include a simple bio of you so that others know your other online destinations. Adam at Mashable pointed out to a technique used by folks like @problogger to customize their profile so that they can show some more links.
Twitter doesn’t allow yet to customize your profiles using html/css, so people are using the background image to show links and a little bio in their profiles. Although profiles look good with this method the biggest downside is that the links are not clickable making them just useless. But those profiles are looking good, as soon as i saw this i tweaked my profile to include some links, i will see for few days if i like it i will keep or else i will remove it.
Check these profiles to see how it looks, @problogger, @waynesutton.
I guess this is just adding a back ground picture with all customizations?
Yes it is a background image with all the links
Looks nice, I was working on creating one for myself after seeing it at problogger and wayne’s profile will be doing it shortly 🙂
Yes, I agree. I added something similar to my Twitter accounts several days ago and I noticed a significant increase in followers. I believe it is due to the consistent and professional presence & branding.
Can someone explain or point to the explanation on how to do this background picture? What application do you use?