The use of wallpapers has changed significantly after the release of high-end smartphones. Previously, you could only set default wallpapers in the phone. Today, wallpapers are stunning, can be panoramic and can be live. Live Wallpapers are liked by most Android users and these brilliant wallpapers bring life to Android devices. The first Live Wallpapers were not HD and were heavy on CPU and RAM. However, today, live wallpapers look stunning and don’t consume much power. There is an entire category of Live Wallpapers on the Google Play Store and you can download tonnes of wallpapers for your Android device. Ditalix is a new Live Wallpaper app which takes Live Wallpapers to the next level.
The developer defines it as a new era of Wallpapers, based on the name of a planet from Star Trek. In short, the Ditalix app features some amazing wallpapers which are completely customizable. Ditalix is basically an all-in-one live wallpaper app where you can create, customize and use various types of wallpapers.
These wallpapers are HD and look brilliant on HD devices such as the Nexus 10. Ditalix features different customization options including different shapes, patterns, animations and effects. You can mix and match different settings on different backgrounds in order to get your own custom wallpaper design.
You can also use your own pictures in order to set backgrounds and create animations. If you don’t want to spend time customizing with different settings and effects, you can simple select random settings in order to get completely random mix of settings.
Ditalix works perfect on, both, tablets and smartphones, however, HD Android devices reveal the full beauty of Ditalix wallpapers. The app is also based on the Android source code, which means that it is a lot faster and smoother than most other wallpapers on the Google Play Store. The wallpaper supports multi finger gestures and works quite good even on low-end Android devices. You can download the app using this link.