WordPress 2.8 Final version is released to the public. 2.8 version brings lot of improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies and overall speed according to WordPress blog. Visually it looks the same as previous version 2.7 but you will see some changes like code editor and others.
New Features / Improvements:
WordPress 2.8 is way faster compared to previous versions, this was achieved by changing the way Wordpess handles style and scripting.
Like the one click plugin installation now you can browse the WordPress official theme directory and install themes in one click all from the wordpress admin dashboard.
If you use widegts and doesn’t feel good about the current widget management, here is a good news, they redesigned the widgets interface to allow users do things like edit widgets on the fly, have multiple copies of the same widget, drag and drop widgets between sidebars, and save inactive widgets so you don’t have to start all over again later. The widget system also brings a robust API aimed at developers.
Now you can change the screen options on every page using the tab in the top right. By default it uses two columns of widgets, now you can customize it.
There a total of 180 new features, changed, upgrades and improvements, you can find them here.
Here is the video for quick overview