Facebook began testing a redesigned timeline view of user profiles, Livewire of TPM noted. The new Timeline is not a radical shift from what we see now, the changes are minimal but noticeable. When Facebook introduced the Timeline feature there is a backlash from the users and some opted to remove timeline altogether.
The redesigned Timeline moves basic profile information like Name, Work place, Education and City are moved over to the panoramic cover photo as a overlay along with Update info and Activity Log. The test has been given white color to stand out from the dark backgrounds of photos.

Redesigned Facebook Timeline

Current Facebook Timeline
There is a “Summary” which shows users life events when clicked according to TPM. The thumbnail tabs we see now on user profiles, Friends, Photos, Map etc., are reduced to tabs. Likes section is renamed to Favorites.
It is not clear when this redesign will roll out to users, as it is in testing phase it may or may not see light of the day.