Firefox download day came to an end with record ~8.3 million downloads in the 24 hours period. Initially Mozilla site experienced few problems like site down for some time and the downloads didn’t start immediately. But finally the Firefox community has finally made the goal of having the world record for most software downloads on Mozilla names.
This is all only possible if you have strong community that supports for a cause and mozilla has just shown that. If you build an awesome product people will care and promote it too.
Mozilla Blog, Pic Credit-Mozilla Links
Well done Firefox, I downloaded. And it is so much faster then before, IE is not going to catch up now. 19000 downloads in South Africa.
Just Say NO to FirePox!
The Mothzilla people have brought FirePox 3 out of it’s beta cocoon after oh so long! Millions download it in the first few hours! What’s the very first thing that happens to it? It’s hacked! Well so much for SBS “Standards Based Software”!
In a nice fantasy world where every one loves each other, where pixies fly, where we all just share and get along, SBS rules. BUT, we don’t live there! The Open-sourcers, SBS crowd, moonies, lunnies, iTards, Alien-Mothershipers and Linux people will just have to face the truth one day!
THE TRUTH: Hackers love “open” standards! Everyone can have this stuff, it’s free, free to have and free to manipulate, free to corrupt!
What the world really needs is proprietary systems and software and standards! The kind of stuff that a hacker will have to take years trying to figure out the source to! Then when they do get close we change it all up on them, frustrate them, force everybody to upgrade or be left behind! Every company will have their own way of doing things as they see fit! Isn’t that really what true freedom is all about? Doing things your way! Not being told by others that you have to “share”, to play well with others, to make the intellectual property which you have slaved over “open and accessible” to anybody who comes along!
C’mon people! If you want to see MY pictures, shouldn’t you have to user MY viewer? Isn’t that truly basic fairness, equity and just plain decency? What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours! It’s only “ours” if you pay for it!
All of these freeloaders are really getting on my nerves! I prefer to pay my way! I like buying or renting, not living in some God-forsaken “free and open” hell hole with no doors or windows!
Sorry, but I get passionate about this stuff!
I am not evil
Firefox has got to be the best browser out, however the more popular it becomes the more it will be targeted by hackers.
There are already vulnerabilities just emerging, how long will it take before more come to light.