If you have a large collection of movies in your hard drive or in DVD format, Free MovieDB helps to manage all your movies. The software itself is very small and portable, and the options it offers are also limited.
If your movie collection is mainly of digital nature then it becomes easier to use the software. As it scans the hard drive finds your movie collection and organizes them. If you have physical copies of movies in DVD or blue ray discs then you have to enter the details manually, that is painful and not feasible.
After searching the movies in your hard drive, add them to the database. At this point it will download movie details from themoviedb.org, an open database of movies. If you have a large digital collection of movies this will take some time to download. I did the mistake of adding a thousand movie collection to it and I had to stop in between.
Once done you can click on any movie to see the details, if you have already watched the movie you can tick as watched. It will show you all the details of the movie, including, cast, release date, budget, posters, trailers etc.
If you are looking for a good movie management software you can give Free MovieDb a try. Download Free MovieDB.