Techcrunch is reporting that frustrated Digg contributors are heading over to Mixx, a new web 2.0 site for social news.
What is Mixx
Mixx has the same functionality as Digg, users can share stories, vote on favorites and comment on the stories. Mixx has categories lke Tech, News, Business, Sports, Science etc. Your Mixx section shows you the stories based on your interests. You can subscribe to tags, groups, people, based on these your mixx shows the articles. In Mixx unlike Digg you can see who has voted against your story.
Mixx doesn’t look like another Digg clone, UI is refreshing with a nice web 2.0 look. Simple, clean and uncluttered with nice blend of colors.
Lot of users have good opinions about Mixx so far (here, here). Well it may not threaten Digg but surely this is one social bookmarking site for us to watch. If it can drive atleast a few hundreds then definitely this will become big.
This site is looking very cool. Very refreshing design, I should say.
yaah the design is very good
Just my luck – I head over to mixx to see what’s up, and I see this (screenshot)
Great screenshot, you are lucky to see that 😉
Indeed the design looks good, there has been lot of Digg like sites which came and went, hope this is not one like that.
As long as it doesn’t have an auto bury brigade, it’s got a chance of doing good. Nice find buddy.
I dont think they have auto bury brigade at the moment, but if they go popular that may come as a bonus 😉 you never know
Ohh finally! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while! Thanks man! This looks really cool…kind of getting tired of Digg…