Google today officially launched Android, an open platform for mobile devices. Android includes Linux based operating system, used-interface and applications for the mobile devices. This open platform allows independent developers to port third party applications to mobile devices with ease.
Google announced this with Open Handset Allicance, an alliance of technology and mobile operators.
Despite all of the very interesting speculation over the last few months, we’re not announcing a Gphone. However, we think what we are announcing — the Open Handset Alliance and Android — is more significant and ambitious than a single phone.
Android is the first truly open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices. It includes an operating system, user-interface and applications — all of the software to run a mobile phone, but without the proprietary obstacles that have hindered mobile innovation.
I was a bit disappointed that there is not going to be a Gphone but lets wait and see what Android turns out to be.
Google will do things better i feel