Triond is a content publishing service where users will create the content and share the revenue with Triond. You can submit any type of content to Triond and earn money on that.
How it works
You submit content to Triond, it will publish your content in one of their websites and monetize it. You will receive 50% of the revenue generated from your content.
You can submit any type of content including text, photos, videos and music. Once you submit your content they will approve it, after approval it is published on niche websites and you start earning your share of revenue.
Your content must be original and not published any where else and it should not be derogatory, offensive blah blah.
It is always better to have your own blog if you can publish regularly. If you can’t blog regularly then Triond is for you, you can publish occasionally and also earn money from your work. If you are smart enough you can create content with a link to your blog in the content and publish in Triond, you may get some new readers for your blog.
hey there thanks for this info..i’ve applied for that now
I’ve been enjoying Triond so far. I’m not making huge money but it has been a long time since I’ve tried writing so I just consider it good practice. Heres my profile: