Microsoft Windows Live Skydrive has increased storage space to 1GB. Now users of skydrive can get updates when friends add files to folders through RSS feeds, this is an important feature and it will help to get updates quickly.
The other important announcement is now users can share the drives with friends by adding anyone directly from skydrive itself.
If you are a gmail user and short on storage space, you are not left behind Google today announced they’ll be increasing the storage space. They are not increasing the space in one time but from now the gmail space counter will move faster. Apart from standard users Google Apps program will also see the storage space in the coming days. Premier edition users get an increase in space from 10GB to 25GB.
Gmail is increasing the space but Yahoo mail gives unlimited storage. How far users use these storage, i am using currently 384MB (13%) of space in Gmail. How much do you use?
I really loved it!!! Soon hard disks will be replaced but that will only happen if we get broadband of really really high speed
I’m using 7%, but on custom domain. 😀 This is good news for Gmail users, but when will be give a new life for Interface?
Google is very slow in pushing new features it may take some more time to see any UI changes
I read somewhere that Bharti is giving broadband in India
Ah, I went way over 3 GB long time back with my emails (Gmail), so now I use different email for different purposes and get them forwarded to one email account which I can then delete from that account.
No wonder, I can see the storage counter going fast these days on Gmail account.
You look to be a power user, you should get the pro version 😛
Well Yahoo imposes some fine print about their unlimited storage on the e-mail side of things but I am guessing the maybe a little less sensitive to those who have DSL service carried through yahoo as the content provider as opposed to someone strictly using yahoo mail for the unlimited free storage.
I use Google apps myself in standard edition format. Though the big push from 10GB to 25GB has me intrigued to go to the premier version. But one thing has to happen before I do that. They offer IMAP integration but no client IMAP access. What gives?
They day IMAP becomes available as a client option , I am so in words do not describe it. I think Hotmail (Live mail) is still using a form of webdav when using live desktop mail beta and a e-mail account but still is http mail and not imap which also has IMAPS which I have to assume Google would use.
Anyone else looking for that besides me? Anyone know if there is even a possibility of Google adding this in the future?
I have used 134MB (3%) so far.