I discovered just 2 days back that my Dreamhost account was compromised, immediately i mailed to the support. The support rep throwed me log files on my face and advised me to change the passwords. When i looked at the logs it was clear that the intrusion occured through FTP. I reported the same to them and changed my passords.
Today i received a mial from dreamhost about hacking of 3500 dreamhost accounts.
We’re still working to determine how this occurred, but it appears that a 3rd party found a way to obtain the password information
associated with approximately 3,500 separate FTP accounts and has used that information to append data to the index files of customer sites using automated scripts (primarily for search engine optimization purposes).
I think this is time for me to move from dreamhost, luckily i am still in money back guarantee period.
I am already frustrated with their support, i mailed them few days back about the server response, i received the response in 10 mins. I am amazed about their response time, but when i saw the mail the customer support says our senior staff will look in to the issue and it will take one week, woh god please help me.
See how dreamhost ruined my site traffic
Note: This site is not hosted at dreamhost
3,500 accounts compromised? Dang that is terrible. Their support don’t seem to know the meaning of the word. Good luck buddy!
OOOOOOF! That sucks man, I would run away from DreamHost as fast as my mouse could take me. BTW, it seems like I had to scroll down like a page before I found the place to post comments!
Tekno, which host are you using for this site? if you aren’t using Dreamhost?
In the two weeks I’ve been with Lunarpages, I’ve already seen a DDOS attack on my server and several down periods. Talk about annoying.
tahtnx for commenting. i am in the process of moving my sites.
I didn’t get what you mean by scroll down a page for commenting, you mean comments link is not there on single pages. i will fix that
Their support sucks, from past one month i am with them and its getting worse day by day.
This blog is hosted with Lunarpages when i started, i used to have a dedicated with them. i am not satisfied with Lunarpages support so i gave up and temporarlily i hosted this blog on Total Choice Hosting. Now i have a dedicated with Cari.net i will move this blog soon, currently i am tweaking my server to get most of it.
This is what I have seen so far. None of the hosting companies are prefect and their customer support SUCKS! Couple of days back my site was down for more than 5 hrs. I notified the customer service people with a half an hour. I got a reply after 4 hrs that someone is attending the issue. After 5 hrs I wrote them back “Thanks for looking into the issue and issue seems to be resolved!” 😉 After that I got a email from customer support, “We have rectified the issue”. I didn’t find any words to reply 🙂 lol!!! my learning “Don’t trust any host!!” BTW, I’m with hostdime!!!
My Lunarpages site is down AGAIN. I’m so suck of this crap. I’ve had them for two weeks and they’ve been down probably 10 times. There going through another DDOS attack. Their support SUCKS hard too.
run from lunarpages as soon as you can