The openness of the Android OS and the development features make Android an incredible platform for App Developers and hackers. There are several development apps available on the Android with numerous mods available on XDA, Overclocking, underclocking and changing RAM options is nothing new on the Android OS and you an easily do all sorts of things on your Android device if you are rooted. We have already seen a number of apps which let you change how different apps behave on your phone including apps running in the background or taking up less memory. A new app is now available for the Android OS which lets you control how your device behaves according to the launch of different apps. PerApp is an Android app which gives you control over your device’s behaviour when it launches any type of app. Basically, what this means is that you can change the “per app” settings of your phone and can configure how your device performs when a particular app is launched.
The first feature is simple and doesn’t require root access. Screen Orientation on Android is usually automatic and the screen orientation changes when you switch your phone to landscape or to portrait. There are a number of apps which can do this. PerApp lets you configure the screen orientation of your device when a particular app is launcher. For example, if you use a calculator on your device, the calculator app keeps on changing from portrait to landscape if you rotate your device. If you want your screen fixed on landscape, then you can do so by configuring the screen orientation of the calculator app using PerApp.
The second feature is volume boost. You can boost the volume of your device when a particular app is started. The third feature is Screen Timeout. Most people complain that their screens go off when watching a movie. You can configure the screen off time of any particular app using PerApp.
Lastly, you can configure minimum and maximum clocking speeds when you launch an app and you need to have root access in order to access this feature. PerApp can be downloaded here.
I’m fond of app building, my favourite online service is Snappii as it allows creating iOs, Android and HTML5 apps without programming skills. Besides they are constantly adding new powerful features to their apps that makes them really hot. Their newest Snappii 2.0 release is amazing.