We have huge list of nice wordpress themes to pimp your blog, but when it comes to photoblog themes for wordpress we only have few themes specifically created for wordpress. Benedict of Techcorner is looking for some photo blog themes to amuse us with his photography skills. Below is a list of nice photo blog themes for wordpress.
A simple, sleek and minimal Photo Blog theme for WordPress
2. Photopress: Preview & Download
Photopress is a one column WordPress theme specifically designed for photoblogs. With Photopress you can display large 640px width images without any clutter; perfect for the 640×480 landscape standard.
3. Nautilus: Preview & Download
Nautilus is a modified version of K2 for wordpress, which allows you to use the K2 platform as a photoblog.
4. PhotoWP: Preview & Download
A simple WordPress theme to help the photographers of the web put together a photoblog.
5. PhotoBlog: Preview, Download
Photo Blog is a simple WordPress theme with no sidebar and fixed width.
6. Photoblog Theme (German): Preview, Download
Photoblog Theme is a simple minimal theme for wordpress. This theme uses the Javascript Framework jQuery and it can read EXIF data for photos.
7. Grain: Preview, Download
Mac’s Grain photoblog theme for WordPress is fixed-width makes use of the Yet Another Photoblog plugin.
Click is nice simple wordpress theme. It is one of the 5 themes avaialbe for photoblogging with wordpress from Taly.
Let me know if you want me to add any theme to the list.
Related: Beautiful dark wordpress themes, Unique wordpress themes, Clean and light wordpress themes
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to no.6: is include function of jQuery and read exif-data from the phtos.
Thanks a bunch buddy! This list is indeed going to be great help for me! Currently, I’m testing the my own mod version of Nishita theme; Here. BTW, will surely amuse everyone with photography… I’m in learning phase though. Now, I’m also looking for a plugin that would grab EXIF data automatically from my Flickr feed.!
Good clean WordPress themes. Ben surely will have a tough time choosing the best from the best. 🙂
Plugin i have no idea, i have to search. Look at the above comment by Frank, theme no 6 has the ability to read exif data, may be you can adopt that theme or check the functionality of the theme.
@Ram Karthik
Welcome, ur right all are nice themes
That is amazing! functionality of No.6 sounds great. I have to test them. Cool!
Frank, Nice work.. other than I was not able to understand screen shot in the documentation.
I forgot to mention the plugin i mentioned in 7th theme, YAPB supports lightbox and can output EXIF data.
Wow.. I’m getting more and more! Thank you gentleman.
Wow! Awesome Collection. I love them all.
I too was searching a photoblog theme for my new photos blog. This is a great post. Stumbled.
Glad that it was useful and thanx for the stumble
Nirmal – Awesome, waiting to see you photoblog too..!
Awesome Collection Ram 🙂
@Ben: i think, Flick kill the exif-data from picture, when you upload. I diskuss this possibility in my blog and we import the reat picture from Flickr and have a tumbnail in wordpress for exif-data and the archiv or excerpt.
You can read the exif data with php, an example have i here: http://bueltge.de/exif-daten-mit-php-aus-bildern-auslesen/486/
Nice collection Buddy. 😀
I found your blog via Google while searching for and your post regarding og Themes for WordPress | Technology Bites looks very interesting for me
Terrific write up about og Themes for WordPress | Technology Bites. Thoroughly love this view.
Just the information i was searching for such a nice Post.
Anyone know of a simple three column photo blog theme for WP?
That was pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing!
I like your blog theme. I want to use it on my blog.
Can you please tell me from where I can download these theme?
Many thanks
Dan owner of the future gadgets blog future gadgets and inventions
It is not available for download 🙂
Thank you
See again Google got me at the right place.
Thanks Ram… hope to see more on this.
Do you know of any plugins that will pull the EXIF from a photograph hosted by Flickr?
I think that black colour suits better for photoalbums.
Hi, thanks for your post. Are these themes under the GPL license? or Creative Common? if no, do you know any photoblog theme under the GPL license?
Thank you so much
Wow, that is kind of cool. I think I want to make one now.
Those theme are cool..
I like..
Thanks bro..
I’ll use one of those..
Hi, no.8 is down, say, can you up it once again?
number 8 is down ! 🙁 !!!
Awesome! Thanks for the photoblogs!
Wow these are some great themes. Thanks for sharing. It would come handy one day.
on my website there is a nice theme for wordpress…
Good collection, i will pick one. thanks for providing the list.
Can you put number 8 back up? It seems to be down. Thanks!
download fail!…links down (all!!)