ScratchBack is a new service for bloggers and web publishers which allows users to show some link love to their visitors and earn money from scratchback widget.
How it works
You accept “tips” from your visitors and in return show some link love with text links or banners. Your visitors can enter a description for their links and these showup as tooltips when mousehovered over the link. Publishers can set a price for the tips and earn money from your visitors through scratchback system. Scratchback will take a cut from the payment you receive. I purchased a link at Scratchback to see how it works, see the image in this post.
To participate in this you need to register with scratchback for free and then place the widget on your blog. Visitors can buy links on your blog or site using the link in the widget.
All the links in the widget has a “nofollow” added and the widget is served as javascript embed, so no fear of Google banning you for selling links.
Scratchback is in the early stages and i am not sure how bloggers will receive it. These type of widget links will have low CTR (see Blogrush results), visitors may not buy links at the first place to get traffic. But if you set a low price you may have some success with this. If you accept donations in your blog using buy me a beer or coffee link then you might try this one.
[Via Techrunch]
Nowadays I have removed all widgets, the only one remaining is mybloglog.
Yaah it is better to minimizer the widgets, i also use only mybloglog. But i want to test blogrush phase2 for a week so i introduced that today
Yeah, it looks like I’m on the same page as nirmal and Ram…I really don’t want any more things on my sidebars…I’m trying to clean up the stuff I got! And if we wouldn’t see meaningful returns from this in the long run, I don’t know that I can put it on my site.
@Ram – Blogrush Phase 2? Hm. Gotta read up on that.
sooner or later the blogger has to remove these things to clean up the sidebar …
strange that you are still using blogrush is it doing any good
I added the widget yesterday, i will see for few days. This time instead of latest posts feed i added custom feed with popular posts.
ScratchBack Pays 90% During Beta
Scratchback is cool. You might be interested to know there is a similar widget available at It allows for link sales as well as rewarding visitors for referrals…
Check it out..