SocialThing is a lifestream aggregator like friendfeed and others. Socialthing currently supports all the major social sites including twitter, pownce, flickr, brightkite, delicious, digg, facebook,,, plurk, seesmic, vimeo, youtube.
It not only aggregates the data but it also allows you to send updates to twitter, pownce, facebook and
I have 10 Invites for Socialthing, if you want one drop a comment with proper email ID.
I want one! 😛
getting error, already invited. give me another email if you still want an invite
I would love an invite. Thanks. whumes at
@Will Humes
send me also one invite
Could you please send me an invite? Thanks!
Invite sent
Hi, Kindly send one.
Thanks in advance
Hi.. is still there 1 invite please ? thank you
Hi. If there’s any invites left I would want one.
// Kalle
want invite
Can i have an invite? thanks!
Hey! I know poster is probably out, but if anyone with an invite reads this, BigEyedDad [at] GMail
Thanks! 😉