Microsoft is reaching out to users to tell them that Windows Vista doesn’t suck. There is nothing wrong in reaching out to users to convince them to use Windows vista, but the experiment itself is a dumb experiment.
What is Mojave Experiment?, a group of people were given a 10 min demo and told what they are seeing is a new operating system from Microsoft, not Windows Vista. All these users have never used Windows vista, they are users of Mac, Linux and earlier Windows versions like XP.
These users gave a 4.5 rating to Windows Vista before the experiment on 1-10 rating scale where 10 is highest before the experiment. After seeing the demo they gave a rating of 8.5 to vista. Majority of users who used windows vista before SP1 have given negative reviews about the OS, that is one of the reason why these users have given a rating of 4.5 before the experiment.
Now coming to the experiment the users were shown a demo, they didn’t get hands on to vista, if users were given a chance to play with Windows Vista they will know what the OS has to offer. By just seeing the demo for 10 min one can’t conclude whether the operating system is good or bad. It is not how it looks that is important. It would have been good if these users were given a Vista PC to play with for few days or vista OS software to install on their PCs to evaluate the OS, a mere 10 min demo won’t help anyway.
I am not trying to bash Vista, but the experiment is just a crap it won’t help in anyway. Source: WindowsVista Blog
Yeah, because everybody gets to take OSX home for a few days to dink around with it…