Trendsmap is a web service which provides you with real-time mapping of Twitter trends from across the world. It lets you see what are the current trending topics in any region of the world like a tag cloud. Upon clicking any of the topics, you can see real-time tweets posted by users on that specific topic as a pop-up information box in the sidebar.
It also provides you with the local and global seven-day histories of the topics popularity as well as some related top news links. You an check out the trending topics as a world view, region or city view.
One of the interesting features of this site is that, it gives each city its own trends page. Here you can browse through the latest local trends. You can view the trending topics stacked against each other along with the local 7 day history and an option to view each of the topics globally. It also aggregates related local media like photos, videos and the latest tweets.
To get started, just move/zoom around the map and click on topics to catch up with the local and global Twitter trends in real time. Check out whats trending in your local area for the upcoming Halloween. You might also want to go through a overview of the Trendsmap features.